Monday, September 15, 2008

Censorship or not censorship...that is the question

ALCON: As we enter the final race before the Presidential election, I want to remind you that IAW DOD Directive 1344.10 and the TAG's General Order 2006-01, all CA Military Uniformed Personnel are restricted in what they can / cannot do regarding partisan political activities.

All personnel working for the ATF (AGR, ADSW, Contractor, Technician, all) are required to read the attachments, to become knowledgeable with the rules. Supervisors ensure this is completed.

There will be no political cartoons, advertisements, posters, or other material in any area that the ATF is responsible for. This includes but is not limited to offices, cubicles, store fronts, recruiting vehicles, one stops, etc. If you have questions regarding this, be sure to check with your supervisor.

Thank you all for what you do!
COL [censored]

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